In November 2017, I fell & broke my shoulder. Ben had given me a gift of a new side yard fence for Mother's Day earlier that year; about two weeks after the surgery he showed up with his measuring tape, pencil & drawing pad & told me he was starting on the new fence the next day. It was such a joy to have him around during my recovery & to observe how diligently he worked & how much he enjoyed building something he'd never done before (one of many of these sorts of projects, I know now). It was especially wonderful to be able to spend some extended time with Ben & chat about water & transportation & politics & his work at Apple & other things that we usually didn't get to talk about one-on-one when we visited him, Zephyr & Dante in Boulder Creek. I think of & appreciate him every single time I opened that gate, just as I've done for the past three years.
- Linda Wilshusen, Zephyr's mom, Ben's mother-in-law
[This photo was taken December 15, 2017.]